Uber Eats
Uber Eats
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Uber Eats - Bad service / order not received

No resolution
Sewela Masipa
Sewela Masipa filed the complaint
28 September 2023
I made a breakfast order at Mugg n Bean Savannah Mall Polokwane on the 27th September 2023 through Uber Eats. Upon confirming order I realised the delivery address is wrong and immediately call Mugg n Bean spoke to William and asked him to please put the new delivery address on the invoice and also inform the driver upon collection.
I was assured that will be done and when an hour pass without delivery of the food. I called Mugg n Bean again and was assured the driver has been given an new address and is on the way, later when i check on the app I saw the food was delivered at the address i requested that it be changed and was assured its done so.
I drove to Mugg n Bean and was again assured they gave the driver the correct address for delivery. I spend R565,90 for that food.
On uber eats app it was indicated that the delivery person was a lady called Manare and alleges to have called me and waited for 8 minutes at a locked gate. However on the picture send by Uber eats of delivery of the food the driver is a male and unknown to Mugg n Bean staff.
That driver took a picture of the food that was put on a busy street outside a locked gate.

Its a sign that the Uber eats drivers has no customer service and were not trained to deal with customers. Again there is no contact details of the driver on the app for easy communication. Uber eats number is not working.

Now i received an email from uber eats that I cannot be refunded my money and Mugg n Bean cannot assist me.

I want a refund because the driver took my food and the person who delivered the food is not the one on the App.

I feel robbed of my had worked money by Uber Eats and Mugg n Bean Polokwane Savannah.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 28 September 2023
Sewela Masipa
Sewela Masipa rated the brand
16 November 2023

They are not reliable.

This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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