Virgin Active
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Virgin Active - No gym equipment available virgin active thornhill polokwane

No resolution
William Robinson
William Robinson filed the complaint
21 January 2022
This images was taken today 21/01/2022 at 08:25. Not a single set of dumbbells available from 3kg up to 16kg. All dumbbells clearly used by one personal trainer; training approximately 8 people at once. How do one train if all equipment is removed.? I left the institution at 09:32 at the situation was still the same.

Why do I pay a monthly membership fee if I am not able to use the equipment.?

Please may you respond to my complain in writing and indicate the steps taken to prevent this in the future; should this occur again; I will cancel my gym membership.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 21 January 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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