UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
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  • 0800 843 843
  • UIF Building
    230 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Absa Towers, Pretoria Central
  • [email protected]

UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund - Uif claim payments

No resolution
Lourens Fourie
Lourens Fourie filed the complaint
4 October 2021
I applied for uif in October 2020, after loosing my work a year back, but with no luck. I have spoken to dozens of agents at ufilling and everytime i hear the same thing "all paperwork is correct, it will take 7 to 15 days. A month back they said my case was completed by assesor and payment will be done, but i still have not received anything to date. Why must we as South Africans suffer on a daily basis because of corruption. With covid going on, many lost their jobs and are currently suffering but while working they automatically deduct monies for uif, and then when you need it to survive, you must wait a year or longer just to get some response. Is this due to incompetence or what is the problem?
Incident date: 28 October 2020
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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