I have been retrenched on the 5 August 2020 and to date have not received any money from funds.
I applied several times online but got declined, and no one can tell me why.
All the documents was send to them and even got sms that says "Dear PETRUS JAKOBUS. UIF Request for Payment received. Finalization of payment is 7-10 days. Enquiries contact local Labour Centre . Case No : 30005477298. 7 November"
After this still nothing received.
On efing says declined.
So I went to UIF office 5 am in the morning to submit my forms manually got in by 7.30am, but then sat in front until 9 am. No one was helped until 9 am.
Now I have to wait until 27 January to come back and sign. Then I will only get it end February if it does not get declined again.
It has taken its toll on me financially and stressful as never claimed before.
Incident date: 19 December 2020
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