UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
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UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund - No communication delaying uif claim

No resolution
Jan Jacobus Strydom
Jan Strydom filed the complaint
8 September 2022
This claim started via an Online application on the 1st of July 2022, after I struggled to get a UI19 from an employer after retrenchment at the end of December 2021.
NO COMMUNICATION or FEEDBACK from the Department of Labour is the direct cause of the delay in this claim.
I have communicated to the Office of the Director, Complaints Supervisor, Assistant Director Registrations, and Deputy Director Labour Centre Operations with not a single response.
After NO RESPONSE, I visited the Labour office on the 23rd of August and handed in all documentation in Room 112. Case number 40002121941.
My online portal did show some activity on the new case number 40002121941 on the 23rd of August.
I was told to return to sign on the 6th of September.
On the 6th of September, I returned and after 03hrs 23 minutes I ended up with Mr Mohamed Aboobaker in Room 112. Must say he was very helpful and explained why nothing has happened. He also assisted me and logged/scanned all relevant and updated documentation.

My questions are:
• WHY didn’t the person on the 23rd of August inform me the Salary Schedule must indicate the monthly income and not yearly?
• Why didn’t he take my 3-month bank statements at that stage?
• Why didn’t he take my last 3 salary advice at that stage?
And if he did not know it was supposed to be handed in, why didn’t I receive any communication during the 2weeks on what is incorrect and what is still needed?
This delay is only because of a lack of communication from the labour department side, your treaty state you stand to assist the people and be helpful to the people, but this is not in line with that treaty. If I knew something is wrong I could have supplied the labour office with the correct documentation days or weeks ago.

I know I have written emails to you in the last two weeks and never got any response and must expect the same I suppose now again. My only appeal is that this process and my application now get expedited and finalised as a matter of urgency.
Thank you for your help, and kindness Mr Aboobaker.

I hope this matter can be finalised today.
Incident date: 6 September 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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