UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
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  • 0800 843 843
  • UIF Building
    230 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Absa Towers, Pretoria Central
  • [email protected]

UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund - Locked ufiling account

No resolution
Japie Knoetze
Japie Knoetze filed the complaint
14 March 2022
Ticket number C-**********1-002196 logged 2022/02/21
I have logged the above ticket on 21 February already. I were I notified to send in a copy of my ID, which I did immediately. I were also notified that it can take up to 10 working days for my account to be unlocked. I need my Ufiling account to be unblocked urgently for me to be able to access my UIF claim status. I have followed up tellephonically on numerous occasions and everytime the person attended my follow telephone call informed me that my case hase been escalated. This is where it stays. Today is 17 business days since I have logged the case and my Ufiling account is still locked. I need my UIF statyus document (UI19) to get an insurance claim with ABSA finalized. Everytime the attendant says it has been escalated but nothing further gets done. Supervisors are always in meetings and can't speak to me. I need my Ufiling account to be unlocked urgently!
Incident date: 14 March 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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