UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund
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  • 0800 843 843
  • UIF Building
    230 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Absa Towers, Pretoria Central
  • [email protected]

UIF - Unemployment Insurance Fund - 5 months and still no uif benefit payout

No resolution
Ryan Landon Potgieter
Ryan Potgieter filed the complaint
26 August 2021
I lodged my Ufiling claim on the 24 March 2021 with all supporting documents and was told by the consultant that my UI-19 and salary schedule were received. Attached is also the confirmation sms I received to confirm all was received. It has been 5 months and my status still says 'sent to accessor'???

My Salary declarations have been half captured on Ufiling for the 4 months? I had to resend through my documentation 3 months ago as it got 'lost' and since then the status on my account has never changed and no one can tell me what is going on. They tell me my documents have been received long time ago. I have so many case numbers that you will pick up on the system.

Below are 3 of many case numbers logged out of many. I have spent over 20 hours on the phone with the call center and keep getting told it has been sent to accessor and they can't escalate anything. I am still unemployed and going through extreme hell at this stage financially. What is the purpose of UIF? Can someone please get back to me

X 3 of the many Case Numbers:

C - 20210527 - 000899
C - 20210604 - 001942
C - 20210608 - 002308
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 24 March 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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