My name is Thinawanga Marubini
I have the account with truworths , and my account have the buying power of 6000 on June 2022 , I bought staff for 3000 and I my account was left with R600 that I can use to buy
But I was surprised when truworths send me the statement for July says I must pay R3197 in July, somebody increase my credit to R20,000 without my knowledge and that person use my account to buy his staff
I didn’t sign for my account to be increased because I know that I cannot manage to pay it, I know that if you want your credit to be increased you must sign at store
The day that the transaction was made was on 18 JUNE 2022 , that person pay R50 first on 17 June 2022 , which I think is the inside job , the day this transaction happened I was at work with my card on my laptop bag
I am supprised because that day of the transaction I didn’t get any massage from truworths , because when you finish to buy, they send a massage saying thank you for the recent transaction on your truworths account but I didn’t get it
That is why I said is the inside job and I know that if you want somebody to use your account you must write a letter to truwoths , that person must go with a letter.
Please advise because I cannot manage to pay the account that I didn’t use
Incident date: 18 June 2022
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