Good day,
I bought a pants from Truworths in the V& A Waterfront last week 22 December 2021.
The employee broke off the tags and wore it, I then noticed that there had been a burnt iron mark on the pants. I immediately asked my husband if he would mind returning the pants on my behalf as i work retail hours and because its the festive season, my hours are even longer. Today he tried to return it of which the manager said to him that he could not return the pants and insisted I ironed the pants amd burnt the pants. I knocked off at work and went there to return it my self showed her the tags as she accused me of braking the tags and said that i should sow the tags back for it to be returned. I got so furious because i showed her the whatsapp chats between me and my husband and said she dont care. I am disgusted by your management even the service and her false accusations. I refuse to let this go. Im flabagasted at this treatment. If i skip one payment the call center phones me 100 times a day and i have to repeat myself over and over. Attached please find a photo of the manager, as she refused to give me her name. When i told her ima lay a complain she told me to go for it and when i said i will do so on hello peter she said i should go ahead and there is no way of her taking that pants back. Please assist.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 27 December 2021
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