The Courier Guy
The Courier Guy
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The courier guy - Incorrect handling - parcel not delivered

No resolution
Louise filed the complaint
20 March 2023
My parcel was due to be delivered to Nelspruit on 14th March but was already 2 days late. On 16th March, I received notification from The Courier Guy that my parcel had been delivered.
Based on this notification, I booked a courier service to collect the parcel from the Nelspruit delivery address and deliver it to me in Mozambique the following day. The courier arrived in Nelspruit on 17th March after travelling from Mozambique and there was no parcel.

I spent hours calling and texting The Courier Guy main telephone number, the Nelspruit and Komatipoort branches. My call log references 93 call attempts to The Courier Guy in a 2 hour period. I kept being transferred to different departments/branches with no answer. Eventually I was informed that the Nelspruit depot incorrectly marked my parcel as delivered but it was still sitting in the depot. I spent the whole afternoon trying to contact them to understand if it was still at the depot, if it could/would be delivered that day, or if my courier could go to the depot to collect it. The Courier Guy did not find a solution.

My courier was waiting in Nelspruit for hours whilst I was trying to resolve the situation. At 4pm the situation was still not resolved and the courier had to leave South Africa. At 4:15pm, I managed to make contact with the Nelspruit Depot and was informed that the parcel was still at the depot and the courier could collect it from there - he should ask to speak to Wendy. I updated the courier to see if he could make it there or not. However, at 4:40pm I was told that the parcel was delivered to the original address! More miscommunication and time wasting.

The communication and customer service I received throughout this experience has been awful. It was my first experience using The Courier Guy and it is highly unlikely that I will use this service again in the future based on my experience. What's more, no one has contacted me to apologise about the mistake or reimburse me for the expense I have now endured with the other courier. I am now at a deficit as I had to pay for the other courier service even though I did not receive the goods. In addition to paying for another courier to travel to Nelspruit this week to collect my parcel.

What is more confusing is that I am now receiving conflicting information from Makro stating my parcel will be delivered this week. I am still trying to get confirmation if my complete order or only part of my order has been delivered.
Incident date: 16 March 2023
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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