The Courier Guy
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The courier guy - Damaged anchor rope

No resolution
maritza filed the complaint
31 January 2022
Good Day We Ordered Anchor Rope From Cape town Booked it on the 20th of December, then Collected only on the 22nd .and delivered here only on the 30th in bad shape, the rope badly damaged, it can not be Used for the Purpose of holding a boat to anchor, it will snap on the weak damaged part. (sheaved) like it was dragged by one person on a cement /paving

I have emailed (minutes after receiving) courier Guy immediately to get a resolution regarding the matter Supplier Clamed it was collected in good condition. This is an item my client has paid for, and we need to pay the Supplier, Client said he does not want this rope, he cannot do anything with it. Neither can we.

Courier Guy has Damaged this Parcel and need to take accountability for this, Man up and contact me.
i will gladly send the picture of the condition the Rope is in , I keep sending email after email every Day . Was contacted once , and there after Ignored, they are hoping this will go away, And i assure , THIS IS NOT GOING AWAY
I need THE COURIER GUY to sort this out.
Incident date: 30 December 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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