The Courier Guy
The Courier Guy
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The courier guy - Bad service

No resolution
Roleen Miennie
Roleen Miennie filed the complaint
19 August 2022
I have been following up on a parcel sent from Zeerust to Greylingstad.

Parcel is now in Newcastle. It is beyond my comprehension how Courier Guy is making money as this is the third parcel now that has been misdirected.

1. Parcel to Calitzdorp Westen Cape - Hub is George - Went to PE, then Cape Town, then George, then to Calitzdorp, Then the receiver had to pick it up from the depot where this was a door to door service. Delivery after 8 days

2. Parcel to Haarlem, Uniondale Western Cape - Hub is George - Went to George, then to PE, and back to George, then to Haarlem. Delivery after 8 days

3.Parcel mentioned above - Zeerust to Johannesburg to Newcastle, they drive past Greylingstad to Newcastle. 4 calls later. Still waiting on a reply on this one. Plants were ordered, loss of R2000-00 by the time we eventually get the plants
Incident date: 19 August 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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