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Mobile and Fixed Telecommunications
1 Metrofibre 30
2 Mondo 21.5
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Telkom Mobile6
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Telkom Mobile - Paid up letter still pending for over three weeks

Tania Farrell
Tania Farrell filed the complaint
17 May 2021
My name is Tania Farrell, previous client of Telkom Mobile. My account has been paid up in full and I have been trying to request my paid up letter for well over three weeks.

I never received a response from Telkom then on the 11Th May I did but I have still not received the letter. On the 7Th May I escalated it and received an sms that I would receive the letter on the 11TH May. Nothing was received I then contacted the online agents and they told me that I would have to now wait 7-14 or 21 days ridiculous as I have already wait over three weeks.

Can you please assist me with my letter? Its extremely urgent as I require it to send it to be removed from debt review.

Please find attached SMS I received on the 7Th May that which confirmed I would have the letter in 48 hours.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 17 May 2021
Tania Farrell
Tania Farrell rated the brand
9 July 2021

Telkom is appaling but most of their products are affordable. I would recommend complaints book but not Telkom.

This complaint was considered resolved.
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