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    10 Rua Vasco Da Gama Plain
    Cape Town
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Takealot - Takealot service

No resolution
Meagan Enslin
Meagan Enslin filed the complaint
2 August 2022
I bought a brand new machine which fell out of its warranty with takealot, 3 days overdue. I returned this product which was sent to back to the supplier/manufacturer. the status of the outcome was that the parts were "old and frayed", then fixed and returned. The people I was originally speaking to assured me that they would advise every 2 to 3 days of my update (the only time I got an update was when I had to phone takealot and request the status, as no one was responding to my emails.

Every time I tried speaking to the person who helped me to begin with, was conveniently unavailable and each time a "new escalation" had to be put through. My thoughts are, if one escalation was put though, why is a new one have to be logged each time i call. Surely the "numerous" escalations I've requested to be logged should be linked to my reference number.

I get a generic answer each time, and with emailed back and forth to takealot, still no-one has been able to help accordingly.

The machine was fixed, which in my opinion, should not break in 6 months of having it (please note I've previously had vacuum cleaners for a minimum of 4 before I felt the need to replace, and not due to any mechanical issues, I just felt I needed a new one) - I was under the impression I was purchasing a brand new machine, especially the amount I paid for it, and becomes an issue just after 6 months. My details were apparently sent to the supplier/manufacturer for them to contact me, it's been over a month and I am yet to hear from them. Takealot advised that they were the "middle man" between me and the supplier but every I had to contact them to follow up, I got a generic response saying, they will follow up and find out why the supplier/manufacturer wasn't contacting me back.

I have emails back and forth between myself and takealot, with my frustrations, and all the back and forth, but each time someone is prepared to help in the beginning, the after sales service is non-existent. Every time I speak to someone new, its like a new query has to be logged, but yet I have a couple of months worth of emails and telephone calls about the same ONE issue, but no one is able to help which is frustrating.

I then speak to someone who "apparently" shared my frustration, and was prepared to help and solve my issue (Sasha-Leigh form takealot), who said that upon a second return, it does not get sent back to the supplier/manufactured, it gets kept in the takealot warehouse to be evaluated. This will take 2 to 3 days (its not the 4th day) - and upon following up finding out to has again been sent back to the supplier/manufacturer, Sasha-Leigh is conveniently not available to speak to, as she was working from home and hasn't responded to any of my emails, and apparently the manager of takealot that my query was escalated to, was with her and couldn't advise on my status (according the yet another person from takealot i spoke to).

I was told by the latest person from takealot (2nd August) that apparently there is another issue with the machine and that is why it needed to be sent back to the supplier/manufacturer (which is strange because this machine has not been touched since it was returned to me).

I again have advised takealot that i refuse to have a machine which was concluded at the supplier/manufacturer that parts were old and frayed. A brand new machine should never have part old and frayed. Which leads me to believe that this machine was previously returned by someone else, refurbished and sold by takealot again. No one is willing to help from start to finish from takealot.

I just want my credit, so i can buy a machine that is in good working order, and a brand that is actually well known in the market for its use!
Incident date: 8 June 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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