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Supersonic - S0133281

No resolution
Ess Kay
Ess Kay filed the complaint
8 September 2021
A LTE device was delivered on the 6 September 2021 and the PMO agent I spoke to on the 3 September 2021 had promised that the device will be activated. How this was handled is another story .

The device was deliver after endless follow-up’s each day, the previous week. Spending an average of 2 hours on the line. This was due to dealing with a different agent each time and the system still reflecting outdated information which I had provided on the 30 August 2021.

When the LTE device arrived , the technical team was contacted to activate the device. I was informed that it will be active by cob on the 6 September. By 6pm the device was still not active and I called the support line . I was on the call for over an hour holding for the PMO/ technical team to provide assistance.

To date the device is still not active.
Incident date: 3 September 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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