on the 06th of the month , stopped at Spar Dunbar Cato Ridge to buy pain tablets as one of my lil daughter had terrible headache as we approached the parking slots there was no slot and I asked one my lil daughter to jump off quickly inside store to grab pain tablet including the few items for my mom as were heading to rural area for visit , she went not so long we managed to get one parking slot and I followed her just to double check if she's got the right items as I entered the store I could see her on the que and approached her to double check items only to find that she's got it right only that the two Spar branded breads were NOT that soft as ALWAYS I said to myself that let me go down the passage and check if maybe there are soft ones came after her luckily enough find some that has just came out the bakery I grab the two breads and ran into the que and find that she was still there on the que and EXCHANGED the two bread with the soft ones and she was number two on a que and I realized that let me also grad the two packs of chips for the road when came back she already made payment for the items and waited for me just behind the cashier waiting for me to give me change so that can pay for these chips and go across the cashier till to buy pain tables at cigarettes' count when she tried to give change here the so called manager approached us pointing finger to both of us shouting , pulling the chips off my hands and the word I recall hearing from him is to leave the store now and when I asked him what have we done incorrectly he said we do not do this here i said what happened please explain he did not give any explanation so we assured that maybe we were not supposed to exchange the breads and still now my lil daughter still traumatized about the incident occurred within ourselves and you could see the damage on her eyes with full of tears to see the dad & herself being embarrassed in public pulled out the store as if we stolen goods , please please we need justice to take place against the manager however the back up he called at least he was willing to hear our side of story outside the store but could see that he sympathized with us but he was doing the client instructions to through us out of store .
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 7 August 2022
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