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Pick n Pay - Ice cream melted

No resolution
Done Compaan
Done Compaan filed the complaint
27 July 2022
I bought a tub off ice cream at pick and pay sinoville it melted and then it look like they left it in the freezer to froze again it was full of ice when we open the lid. it was not very tasty full at all. I work in a shop arent they suppose to take out the food that expire .'
Incident date: 24 July 2022
Done Compaan
24 August 2022
I would not buy anything frotm them again they did not respond to this complaint at all.
Done Compaan
Done Compaan rated the brand
16 November 2022

I wont support any Pick and Pay store or Branch they did not even respond to this Complaint at all

This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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