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Mr Price - Voucher allowed to buy cellphone

No resolution
NCEBAKAZI MSENGANA filed the complaint
29 August 2022
i bought MR price vouchers with the intensions of buying a cellphone using vouchers,28/08/2022 i went to century mr price only to be told they dont sell phones using vouchers then when i asked the why supervisor said its Mr Price policy and ,i asked where is it written because at the shop theres nothing that states that and at the back of the till slip the theres also nothing that states that..i still have my vouchers and till slip i asked them if i can return vouchers beacuse i no longer need them she said no i must buy clothes or wait on the que to ask customers if they can maybe swap my vouchers for cash then i refused i said thats fraud..please assist me on this matter what are the consumer rights on this matter
Incident date: 29 August 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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