On 01/04/2022 there was a robbery at my place of work,SA Post in Kenilworth Cape Town.the Robbers took money and our cell phones.the police were called and took statements from all of us.i then phoned the Mr.Price Mobile claims department.which they emailed me the claim form.i had to fill it and send it back with an affidavit and copy of my ID.i kept on emailing them to check the status of my claim.i was told to blacklist my phone and no one could explain to me how to blacklist a phone.then I phoned and the lady told me she will get back to me,which she did.she told me that they can't blacklist my phone because the sim card(Mr Price sim) has been taken out,so they only blacklist if the sim is in the phone.Well obviously when a phone is stolen,they take out the sim card immediately.please help my phone was insured.
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Incident date: 9 April 2022
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