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Makro - Makro brand or log

No resolution
Mmasephiri Jacobeth Ramarumo
Mmasephiri Ramarumo filed the complaint
17 April 2024
To the managers or owner of Makro to protect their log or name.The is a group or syndicate that use Makro name&log for recruit people on whatzup&telegram for being online survey employee of Makro.The mission or task is to view&like a certain products with a link on it. Before the end of the day there will be a deposit of few rand towards the end of those task they will ask for payment to buy a product & recall it same time then refund back the payments with few rand if they ask for an increase &you lose your money and they move on to the next victims.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 17 April 2024
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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