Intercity Xpress
Intercity Xpress
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Intercity Xpress - Inhumane conditions for passengers on bus

No resolution
Charmaine Pillay
Charmaine Pillay filed the complaint
14 December 2023
I purchased 3 bus tickets at checkers Kwena centre, in Little falls. I enquired in particular if the bus being booked had air conditioning. The attendance at at checkers and at the signet terrace bus office confirmed that the bus did have air-conditioning. The bus departure time was 10h30. The bus only arrived at 12h15. It then proceeded to take all the back roads to Vereeniging. The bus filled up all seats. The aircon did not work. I approached the driver to switch on the air con as it was blistering hot, and we were suffocating and struggling to breathe in the bus. He informed me that the aircon does not work. I indicated that I had clearly indicated if the bus had no aircon operational than I would purchase a ticket for another carrier. It got progressively worse until my aunt of 83 felt faint...people helped to stabilize her using a cold face cloth compress. At the halfway stop I addressed it with the driver, who.informed me that he is the driver and not the bus owner. I indicated that I was going go report this bus as non road worthy given that we had to stop on a back road, pitted by pot holes to fill water in the bus. That the bus was filled to capacity, with no ventilation, and that we were un hygienically breathing each other's breathe. It was a sure germ centre. I'm sure that any carrier with people or animal on board have to have a form of ventilation. As a recovering person with cancer..I view this carrier as abusive, and definitely against my human rights. My ticket was purchased by me, and the carrier had an obligation to provide the basic needs and rights to all passengers. I request action against intercity express bus carrier and a response to me thereafter. I also plan to take this further with one of the news channels on TV, which take on investigations into this abuse to people.
Incident date: 14 December 2023
Charmaine Pillay
Charmaine Pillay rated the brand
18 March 2024

Worst bus to travel on. Didnt have the decency to even respond to complaint.

This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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