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Intercape - Audioless intertainment

No resolution
Femke DeWet
Femke DeWet filed the complaint
24 December 2022
I huve used the intercape bus service twice in December 2022, an both times the movies were shown without any audio! Please remove the movies altogether or play the audio, or give the customer the opportunity to hear the audio via earphones or something... Its frustrating to see a movie without any sound. Currently I am in Bus 221, with the same issue I experienced a week and a half before.... In a different intercape bus. Please try to avoid making empty promises to customers. This bus was delayed by two hours today, and I commend the way the logistics personnel made alternative arrangements to ensure that some of the lost time could be recovered.
Thank you!
Incident date: 24 December 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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