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Glenmorangie - Weird taste/smell

No resolution
Dennis Slaney
Dennis Slaney filed the complaint
27 December 2021
Dear sir/madam, I write to advise you if the unusual smell and taste of a bottle of glen morangie I purchased for my father in law at Xmas, we opened this Xmas day to sample it having purchased this many time my father in law has a great liking for it. He remarked that it had an unusual tastes and his wife said the smell was very pungent like bad eggs. We decided not to drink anymore and poured it down the sink . We had another bottle and opened this it was different again and had they dual perfect taste and smell renown of glen orange. Not particularly a complaint I just wished he had saved the contents to send it back do thought I would make you aware if you had any other people
Write up. Thank you Dennis best wishes for a happy new year.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 25 December 2021
Dennis Slaney
8 February 2022
Can I have a response please to my concern raised dome time aho Dennis
Dennis Slaney
22 February 2022
Good day, is anyone going to look into this concern sent many weeks ago please Dennis
Dennis Slaney
9 March 2022
I have still not had a response from you please respond dennis
Dennis Slaney
23 March 2022
No one has answered this complaint montgs aho
Dennis Slaney
6 April 2022
Is anyone going to look into this concern that I raised please…..
Dennis Slaney
Dennis Slaney rated the brand
16 June 2022

Horrible company never responded

This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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