eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
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Old Winklespruit Municipality
  • 031 311 1111/ 2121
  • City Hall, 263 Dr Pixley Ka Seme (West) Street, Durban

  • [email protected]
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eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality - Unfair billing & refund

No resolution
rameshchandra harrikissoon
rameshchandra harrikissoon filed the complaint
3 November 2022
hi I recently got a house in Bonela transferred to myself the lawyer asked me to pay some advance for water, domestic refuse & rates
& once transferred I can claim rates back coz I'm a pensioner & gave me refund application forms that they got from municipality & filled their portion & I did same & submitted forms on 20th September. no response so I sent emails to mayoral complaint office
the person sent it to the municipality & cc'd me then the buck is passed from 1 person to another about 6 different persons coz I'm cc'd each time but no 1 gives me positive answers
I was told my bills got a new no. & I must pay water deposit of R1020 that's no problem but now the municipality send me a bill for water & 3 basic refuse & when I sent an email to billing & Sindiswa asking why am I double billed no 1 ever get back to me
every time you send an email it's in vain coz
I can't afford to phone coz you are put from 1 person to another until airtime run coz every 1 passes the buck from 1 to another
the ethekwini municipality billing department must get their act together & stop over charging consumers & don't supply refuse bags coz we pay for this service but we have to buy our own bags coz mbali never responds
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 21 September 2022
rameshchandra harrikissoon
rameshchandra harrikissoon rated the brand
1 December 2022

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