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1 Engen 28.8
2 Sasol 10
3 Caltex 1.5
  • 085 003 6436
  • Cnr Riebeeck & Long Street Cape Town
    PO Box 35 Cape Town 8000
  • [email protected]
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Engen - Unfriendly manager

No resolution
Christelle Zupan
Christelle Zupan filed the complaint
26 January 2022
Engen Gants Convenience Centre
This morning at 7:30 I filled up my car and the Attendant accidentally over filled and spilled petrol, he called the manager and the manager was not helpful AT ALL! All he said is what must he do, what do I want from him and said "this is not even a quarter litre spilled" and that the machine is working fine when he worked with it before the attendant - and then he walked away. I had to pay full price, for the spillage as well. The Attendant was very apologetic though.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 26 January 2022
Christelle Zupan
9 February 2022
I am still waiting for a reply from anyone - even a "stuff you" would have been something - but alas, like usual dont hear anything! I am so cross - I have in fact not even been back to ANY Engen Garage to fill up with petrol (I usually drove there specially - even though there is a BP or Caltex closer) In fact this morning I filled up AGAIN, but not at ENGEN
Christelle Zupan
24 February 2022
Still waiting for a response - this complaint section is completely USELESS!! no response for over a month! Unacceptable! I have not been back and I will not go back there again
Christelle Zupan
15 March 2022
This complaint book is ABSOLUTELY SHITTY, NO GOOD - DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE PURPOSE OF THIS PAGE IS! No answer, no response - no service - no more client (from me)
Christelle Zupan
14 April 2022
I honestly do NOT know why you have this absolutely USELESS page ("complaints page") I have had no reaction from anyone, I did not expect any money back from your brand, just a we are sorry would have suffice - but NOOOOOO nothing!! I will not be going back to Engen EVER! AND YOUR PAGE SUCK, IS USELESS, ETC.
Christelle Zupan
28 April 2022
Whahaha - you lot are a joke! This page is a joke! Whahahaha
Christelle Zupan
13 May 2022
Christelle Zupan
13 June 2022
Just do what you want, close the complaint, it does nog help having this useless page as nothing happens! I am happy though to say that since this happened I and no ond of my family have not been back to any ENGEN garage and will also not go back to any ENGEN garage.
Christelle Zupan
Christelle Zupan rated the brand
27 July 2022


This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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