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Edgars - Returns policy breach

No resolution
Dehren Naicker
Dehren Naicker filed the complaint
19 January 2023
After Buying a pair of takkies from Edgar's, I took back home and chucked it on the floor where it's meant to be, the next morning slapped it onto my feet and realised it to be a huge cut for a size 7, four days later, took it to the store and they claimed it to be used, insisting this to be true, after saying that our flat is being renovated and the floor may have been dirty, they insisted it to be used, I then sent an email to Edgar's customer services who came back after an investigation (like FBI scale) for the R249 takkie( was on sale at the time) and said that after the store manager assesed the takkie he deemed it to be used, then I told the customer service representative that the store manager must know the winning lotto numbers too if he is so sure that I did use the takkie, he further tried to avoid the fact that Edgar's has gained a China Mall reputation and operate under the same rules. On a massive sale day, they were dead like half a lamb and I could count using less than five fingers how many customers were in the store, no surprise that the standards have dropped from the new store look, staff attitude, customer services speaking like he from a farm far far away, Arvin the Edgar's West Street store manager must like the title of fortune teller.....can just see him wagging his fingers at his family assuming things, shame this Brand of Edgar's has changed for the worse and they don't care, the takkie was in a resellable condition but they want to play hard ball. Back in the day, Edgar's was the store with a class above the rest but these days, shame, I just see a China Mall with a red square. Fewer and fewer people shop here these days, no wonder why.

All I wanted was a simple exchange for size that's all, the takkie was in a resellable condition after all. They made a wild claim that the takkie was used in order to refuse an exchange.
Incident date: 19 January 2023
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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