I purchase 2 x Sumitomo Tyres from Yula Racing (Pty) Ltd Solly's Tyres & Mags, 34 Market Street, Krugersdorp, on the 06 May 2023, Invoice no 2048 for Total of R 1548.00
I found 1 x Tyre to be flat on the morning of the 05 Oct 2023, whereby I check the Tyre and found a tiny hole/leak in the side wall. I noticed that the hole/leak was on the moulding joint. I took it back to Solly's Tyres & Mags to be assessed, whereby they would return the Tyre to the manufacturer.
I have since being informed by Dunlop SA that the damage was caused by hitting a potholewhixh is clearly not true. I have the tyre in my possession which clearly indicates that this statement is not or correct
I have being informed since
Incident date: 5 October 2023
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