Dis-Chem Pharmacies
Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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  • +27 11 589 2200
  • Cnr Le Roux & Stag Rd
    Glen Austin
    South Africa
  • [email protected]
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Dischem - Covid level 3 compliance

Sue Jackson
Sue Jackson filed the complaint
3 January 2021
Saturday 2nd January Dischem Blue Route Mall, Tokai. I visited the store at approx 11am. It was extremely crowded and the aisles were clogged with customers. Distancing was being practiced by customers in the dispensary and at the tills but inside the store customers were uncontrolled. I spoke to an assistant in aisle 2, vitamins and she shrugged. I found another assistant and although he did nothing about distancing the customers, he pushed through them to take my purchases off the shelf for me. He then escorted me to the tills because I refused to walk through the aisles.
I found the store manager and asked her how many customers were in the store and how many were allowed. She said she didn’t know but immediately went to the front of the store and stopped more customers being let in. A long line very quickly gathered outside.
I live in Johannesburg and shop at Fourways Mall and Dainfern. Both these shopping centers and the Dis-Chem stores within them have taken great pains to adhere to lockdown level regulations and make it a safe environment for shoppers. Not at all the same situation at Blue Route and Dis-Chem was a stark reminder that one has to look after yourself because they certainly were not doing so yesterday morning.
Incident date: 3 January 2021
Sue Jackson
Sue Jackson rated the brand
1 June 2021

All sorted, I received a phone call to assure me that customer movement was being managed correctly

This complaint was considered resolved.
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