Dis-Chem Pharmacies
Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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  • +27 11 589 2200
  • Cnr Le Roux & Stag Rd
    Glen Austin
    South Africa
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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Rude dis-chem staff

No resolution
Saden filed the complaint
31 July 2022
I visited, Dis-chem Mall of the South on Saturday 30 July 2022. In one of your ails were 2 of your staff members standing a black female and a fair coloured female. I needed assistance with a multivitamin and the coloured female just ignored me she continued laughing and shouting at her colleague making fun of people wearing masks, I myself was wearing mask too. They went on to chat about a staff member that was leaving and neither of them assisted me they continued laughing and shouting making fun of customers. I left everything I wanted to purchase and stormed out of the store. I received pathetic customer service and don't think your staff are fit to hold the position in assisting customers instead they are disrespectful and insulting. I need this to be addressed especially the fair coloured lady with long braids her behavior is unacceptable. I am disgusted at the behavior of your staff. This needs to be addressed and your staff need to be checked. If this is the attitude your staff have toward your customers your company will definitely feel the pinch I can assure you that I was not the only customer these 2 females insulted.

Kindly have this sorted.
Incident date: 31 July 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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