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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Incorrect sars-cov-2 test processed (not as requested by me)

No resolution
Johannes Miller
Johannes Miller filed the complaint
27 May 2021
I requested a full lancet Sars-Cov-2 Antibody test, (294964) with blood samples being collected (294965), which was done on 26/05/2021, at 09h30 am at Dis-Chem table Bay Mall drive-through.(S217) Vis Ref:0232254
This test takes three days to process, and cost R380.00
However, within 26 hours I was sent the results of the Sars-Cov-2 RAPID Antibody test! (Which is only a finger-* FORBIDDEN * test!)
The blood sample was supposed to be sent to a pathology lab to do the analysis.... how is it possible that I got the results for a Rapid Antibody test if I did not do the finger-* FORBIDDEN *?

Very unprofessional.

Please send me the results obtained from my blood sample given, once the proper lab test has been done as I paid for.
Incident date: 27 May 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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