Dis-Chem Pharmacies
Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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  • +27 11 589 2200
  • Cnr Le Roux & Stag Rd
    Glen Austin
    South Africa
  • [email protected]
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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Disgusted by the service

No resolution
Wagieda filed the complaint
20 August 2022
Good day

I am a customer of dischem and I have always ordered from other dischem pharmacy's without issues.

I wanted to get anti inflammatory pills and seeing that I am on medical aid I asked if they could charge it and I can get someone to pick it up for me I was then told to give my ID to the person but I explained that I am in Soweto and it was an unexpected visit so I don't have my ID or medical aid card on me however I sent them the pictures of these cards and sent it via WhatsApp and also called and spoke to them. They refusing to help me cause they don't know me. What pathetic excuse is this as I have a profile with Dischem and I have never had any issues with any other store. All I've ever done was sent my documents via email and I would get assistance.

I want the Regional manager to call me on 0833976743

This is a load of * FORBIDDEN * and I will take this further if I must.

Incident date: 20 August 2022
Wagieda rated the brand
14 July 2023

Even after laying this complaint nobody has ever called or emailed me. This is pathetic

This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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