Dis-Chem Pharmacies
Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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  • +27 11 589 2200
  • Cnr Le Roux & Stag Rd
    Glen Austin
    South Africa
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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Dischem delivery query

No resolution
Rifqa Saban
Rifqa Saban filed the complaint
31 May 2021
My medication was delivered and signed off by someone else and not at the address I provided. This man then contacted me and asked me about my meds and advised that the parcel was dropped at his house. Why did this happen as my cell number is on the package so why didn't the driver call me to confirm my address as I was home hole day as I'm working remotely from home. I'm not impressed as my personal details is on the package and the driver just gave my meds to someone else and Now that person has my personal cell number and address. I want someone to contact me regarding this as I am very unhappy. I want to know who signed for my medication and why my meds was not delivered to my address. Call me ASAP.
Incident date: 31 May 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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