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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Dischem committed fraud...?

No resolution
Marianne Gao
Marianne Gao filed the complaint
12 July 2021
Good day, 

This email is to report the services of both Benmore Gardens DisChem and RandRidge Mall DisChem. 

But most importantly, to report to FEDHEALTH that RandRidge Mall DisChem, has someone working in the Dispensary area, using women prescriptions (e.g. mine), to issue themselves with medication and then billing it back to our Medical Aids. e.g. an item (DEPO injection - a 3-month injection) ordered by "me" 2 times in one month (March)...(proof on Google Drive) 

In this complaint, you will also find, that RandRidge Mall DisChem, billed FEDHEALTH to the amount of R1,449.40 for an order (06335850) that cost just R784.14 and then on top of that, made me pay the R784.14 as well...etc 

Here is my Google Drive link with all info/proof (pics , etc) within. No log-ins necessary.

The full explanation - Starting with the day of my order placed (8th July 2021) to Benmore Gardens DisChem via direct email (and then RandRidge Mall DisChem ending up with the order), till today...

BikerChick444 _Twitter Thu, Jul 8, 9:51 AM
Good day, Whenever I order online, it goes through your branch. I need to place an order again, but the online app does not have everything I'm looking for. Not sure if maybe you are out of stock. I tried to phone you but Cell C has been screwing me sound with my line, so I cannot call out. Apologies... Do you mind please giving me a call to take my full order? It is kind of big.
1. Centrum for adults(biggest one)
2. Paracetamol (20tabs) x2
3. Dolorol (20tabs) x2
4. Depo injection (very very important!)
5. Sure Sleep (60tabs) x2
6. MyPaid Forte (60tabs) x2
Delivery Address: Unit 5 Stonebridge (complex) 3886 Jan Frederick Ave RandPark Ridge 2169 Thanking you in advance
Mrs Marianne Gao
074 296 4123
Jul 8, 2021, 3:29 PM (2 days ago) to Dis-Chem, Dis-Chem
Good afternoon Linda   I just want to find out if I'm still getting my order today, cuz I still haven't received it as yet...?  
Many thanx
Jul 8, 2021, 5:53 PM to Dis-Chem
Linda,   I have still NOT received my order, yet I've already been charged for it.   
Please explain...   See attached. ______________________________________________________________________
Jul 9, 2021, 3:40 PM to Dis-Chem
Good day,  
Its 15:40 (2 days after my order placed) and I still have not received my order.  
I urgently need my injection!  
Jul 9, 2021, 5:13 PM to Dis-Chem
I emailed a big order through to Benmore Gardens 2 days ago. They didn’t deliver yesterday, so I emailed them asking why my order wasn’t delivered. The lady (Linda) replied, stating that they had too many COVID cases and couldn’t deliver. I was assured that my order would be delivered today.

At 16:00 I still haven’t received my order, so I called Benmore Gardens and spoke to a manager there. Linda then called me shortly thereafter, stating that the order was already done by RandRidge Mall yesterday.  I asked how that could be possible if my email was clearly addressed to Benmore Gardens?  10minutes later a driver from RandRidge Mall DisChem showed up at my house. 

None of what I ordered was in the order he delivered to me. Instead of the items that I ordered in my email, the staff at RandRidge Mall DisChem sent me everything on the prescription I attached to prove that I have a prescription for my DEPO injection. This has now cost me 2 days without my injection and I had to pay R784.10 for something I did NOT order!

I NEED MY INJECTION and the rest of my order. ____________________________________________________________________  

Today (11th July 2021) I received notifications from FedHealth that they were charged by DisChem RandRidge Mall for a script (06335850) to the total amount of R1,449.40.
This is the exact script (order - 06335850) that I on the 9thJuly 2021 paid R784.14 for. 

Yesterday (10th July 2021) a man (Andre?) from DisChem (RandRidge Mall) called me (telephone recording attached) saying that they are going to do the complete order over and deliver it to me. In the conversation, I stated several times, that in the first order, not everything was delivered.
And that they did not send the things I ordered, but instead sent me everything on my prescription (not what I ordered).

He assured me he understood what I was talking about. (proof on Google Drive)  He said, that this new order, balances the 1st order out (money wize), so no one owes anyone anything. He told the delivery man to give me 20cents as return on my purchase. I still have that 20cents with his fingerprints on it, as proof. 
Once I started putting these two orders in an Excel Spread Sheet to compare and see where the differences are and what is owed to whom, did I see what RandRidge Mall DisChem did. See attached Excel Spread Sheet. 
1.      First delivery (9th July 2021 – signed By: J.Holt – PA) - Each and every item has a “Dispensing Fee” of almost R30 each!
2.      I was charged for x3 Maxalt RPD 10MG WAFF, but only received x1 (see all pics taken while the delivery man was present).
3.      Was charged for a DEPO-Provera injection, but nothing was delivered with this order.
4.      The total amount of R784.14 (which I paid – 9th Jul 2021), minus what was not provided with (R237.32) = R546.82
5.      Second delivery (10th July 2021 – signed By: A.Ester – PP) – Had no“Dispensing Fee” for each item, like first delivery had.
6.      I was charged for x2 BIOGEN SURE SLEEP TABS60, but only received x1 (see all pics taken while the delivery man was present).
7.      The total amount of R570.73, minus what was not provided (R154.95) = R415.78
8.  Clearly delivery 1 (R546.82) & delivery 2 (R415.78) do NOT balance each other out, as the man from RandRidge Mall DisChem assured/stated.        
The total difference comes to: R131.04 (RandRidge Mall DisChem owes ME!)
9.      RandRidgeMall DisChem owes FEDHEALTH: R1,449.40 

Not only have I had the8th, 9th, 10th July 2021 as the days from HELL... I now had to spend my whole Sunday, getting all the proof together, to show that I've been done in (taken for a ride) by both Benmore Gardens DisChem and more importantly, RandRidgeMall DisChem. 

I have Severe BrainDamage (don't have a job since 2016 and have to look after myself (mentally), with everything I do) and this whole episode has caused me to have so much distress, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion. I have been advised by family members, to take the legal route on this, due to the anguish this has caused me. 

Many thanx
Marianne Gao  

---------- Forwarded message---------
From: BikerChick444 _Twitter
Date: Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ Ticket: 8000400108 ] Re: Trying to place an order... Membership
Number: 0001135743
To: Dis-Chem Customer Careline  
...and the rest of what happened and still going on, you're washing your hands as being innocent...? 
I've lodged complaints at every possible gov site (complaints board, consumer board, ombudsman, etc) yesterday and today.
You'll hear from them real soon. 
This order was the biggest balls up in history and I had to go through it! 

On Sat, 10 Jul 2021, 15:53 , wrote:
Good Day
Thank you for taking time to contact us. I have sent an email to the store regarding the below, so they can dispatch the correct medication for you. We apologize for the inconvenience we have caused. Kind Regards
Incident date: 14 March 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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