Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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  • Cnr Le Roux & Stag Rd
    Glen Austin
    South Africa
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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Complaint

Ope Bawo
Ope Bawo filed the complaint
21 February 2022
On 2022/02/11, I was in Dischem Claremont to purchase my medications. Advantan cream was one of the drugs on my prescription. My prescription clearly states "cream" and not "ointment." However, the dispenser named T. Leak - PA chose to dispense ointment without consulting me or my doctor. I remember warning the dispenser that my prescription must be followed to the letter. However, I was surprised today when I needed the cream and I opened the pack only to find out it was "ointment" and not "cream." This nonsense has been going on for too long. You get to the pharmacist they request for a doctor's prescription and they refuse to follow it to the letter. They only go to the dispensing room and pack whatever they have in store into a plastic bag seal it up and give it to you. You only discover the trash they pack for when you get home and open the plastic. I keep on wondering why they request for doctor's prescription when they know what is good for a patient in their ****** head. This is an act of obtaining money under false pretense if you guys do not know the implication of your actions. Because had I known you packed an ointment for me instead of a cream written on my prescription I would not have paid for it. You gave me the impression you had followed my prescription that was why I gave you my money. You guys are only doing this because you know drugs are not returnable. Now you have succeeded in wasting my money because the ointment did not absorb well into my skin and hence I did not experience the same relief as the cream. Now, I have to go and look for money to buy the cream. T. Leak - PA, you do not know why my doctor prescribed me a cream instead of an ointment neither did you know why I needed a cream, yet you decided to sell me an ointment without my consent. Now I need to go look for money to buy the cream. I think I really need to report you to the pharmacist council of South Africa. If you cannot deferentiate between cream and ointment /or you believe cream and ointment are the same/you believe have no right to get the exact form of the medication on my prescription then you have no business practicing as a dispenser in this country.
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 11 February 2022
This complaint was considered resolved.
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