Dis-Chem Pharmacies
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Dis-Chem Pharmacies - Bad service

No resolution
Elsa v Straaten
Elsa Straaten filed the complaint
16 August 2022
I made an appointment to take my son for his 12 year injection at Dischem Fleurdal on the 8th of August 2022. When I made the appointment I stated that the visit is for his 12 year injection. I took leave from work to take my son. When the nurse had to help us, she said that they do not have any stock of the injection, and I had to come back with my son on another day. And that they only receive stock of the injections by Thursday that week. I asked her if I have to make a new appointment, and she responded with, "no just bring him in, it's fine, it's very quick to do the injection".

I told her that I I'll have him there then for the injection on Tuesday the 16th of August, after 16h00. And confirmed that I'll have him there on the date and time, and that I do not have to make an appointment. She confirmed.

My son and I arrived at Dischem Fleurdal on the 16th of August 2022 ( today) at 16h20. Nurse had patients with her, so we waited. While waiting, another set of patients arrived.

Nurse where done by 16h47 with her patients, and when she came out of consultation asked whom of us waiting had an appointment. The patients that arrived said they have an appointment at 17h00. Then she looked at me, who said that I do not have an appointment as I brought my son for his injection as she said on the 8th of August 2022. She responded with, "Sorry I am the only nurse here today so I can't help you." Confused I stated that she said on the 8th of August 2022 that I can just bring my son for the injection without an appointment as Dischem did not have any stock that day. And that I told her I'll have him there for the injection, and that she confirmed that day.

Her response, "oh yes for the 12 year injection, sorry you have to wait then untill I can help you."

I just left and said I'll make use of another pharmacy to help me. With all the good service I had from Dischem, this is
realy unacceptable. Not just did it cost me time,petrol and a day leave from work, but a second time of time and petrol and waiting for no service.

I did not have any problem to make another appointment, not even to wait for a turn to get helped. But I took the appology from the nurse, of no stock and to just take in my child for the injection without any appointment. And then to realize that the nurse did not write down the verbal appointment, also did not even remember I told her that I'll have my son there again, said I must wait, while the second set of patients only had an appointment at 17h00.

Not a friendly greeting nor any appoloy for waisting my time, a blund response of "yoj mjst wait".

For the remaining 13minutes she could have helped us as she said she'll do, as she stated it is very quick to do the injection. Or even booked a vernal appointment as we agreed.
Incident date: 16 August 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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