My passport is full. I applied for a new passport at the SA embassy in Bangkok (Thailand) on January 3rd 2023. It is now more than 3 months ago, and still waiting. I had to leave my job in Vietnam and sitting in Bangkok without income. The embassy in Bangkok isn't very helpful. Thai immigration doesn't want to extent my visa any longer and my visa expired on the 6th April '23, that means I'm in Thailand illegally and will have to pay fines (with money I don't have) and also will be banned to visit Thailand for a period of time. I have sent 5 emails to the Dept. of Home Affairs, without any response. I have sent about 4 emails to the SA embassy in Bangkok, without reply. I had to take busses and go there myself to find out what the situation with my passport is. There is a poster on the wall at the embassy that says the waiting period is up to 8 months for a new passport. Now try and work that out in this day and age with the technology available today. I can't imagine there is any other country where such a waiting period is possible, even banana republics.
Incident date: 13 April 2023
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