My South African wife (Spouse) and I have known each other for 18 Years, engaged in spousal relationship for 15 years, and married for 11 Years by this year December 11 2021. I applied for my Permanent Residence - category 26(b) Spouse, at the VFS office in Cape Town on the 6th of March 2008, over 3 years ago, and up till date (19/03/2021), the Department have not yet issued my overdue permanent residence permit.
It has been the practice of a networks of official of Home Affairs to jeopardize my permits, since 2003. For 18 Years they have tried all the tricks in the book to deport me out of South Africa and hinder my establishment in South Africa. All their plots have failed! Happily married to my lovely wife, and waxing stronger and stronger!
All efforts of reasonable engagement and my constant calling of the Home Affairs helpline, to me and my wife contacting the relevant people and persons we are to contact from Joyce Mamabolo, who was forever saying she was not in the office, to Ronnie Marhule who have stopped picking my wife's calls and mine too, all reasonable efforts from my wife and I have been to no avail. Hence, my complaint on this forum.
Why is my Permanent Residence not granted to me for the past 3 years since my application? There is no reasonable excuse! As Africans one don't have to result to burning down buildings, destroying amenities, reputational damage or blood shed, before we are heard and given our rights.
Incident date: 20 March 2021
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