I am totally disgusted with the service that I have received from Cell C
I had 5 contracts and when I sent my 1 phone in for repairs it was booked in wrong and this took ages to be rectified and then I found out that it was a upgrade so it would have cost me R3500 to be repaired -I then had it returned and paid R900 for it to be repaired
I had another phone stolen and when I tried to report it they wanted the IMEI number which I could not give as I had trashed the cell phone box by mistake - after numerous calls and emails Cell C then gave me the IMEI number so that I can get the ITC number so that the phone could be black listed - when I filled in the forms again I was informed that the IMEI number was incorrect - and they could not find this on their system - ( now how is this possible) again after numerous calls and the "I am sorry" from the customer care people I still have not been able to black list the phone that I have been paying for every month, I was told to do a case so that this can be escalated and this would take up to 2 days ...... and nothing was done
I then sent a email stating that I will be with holding the monthly payment until they could sort this out - at the beginning of August 2022 I received a call from the collection department and I again explained my issue and I promised to pay my account by end of August as I do not want a bad credit record, which I did pay the R6200 - as per the statement - then when I called to to find out why I could not use my sim cards - I was told that my account has been handed over as I owe R14 000.00 that is complete rubbish - when I received my next statement I see that my contract has been cancelled and now I must pay and I have been handed over to the lawyers - and the stolen phone has still not been black listed - so the person who stole my phone is using it and I am having to pay -
My experience from the customer care has been horrific and totally unacceptable - I do not live in town where I can just go the shop etc and they have made me to feel like I am a idiot
When I tried to do a sim swop I had to pay R10 per sim card and I called the call center to have these done at a cost of R50 because if I had done this at the shop it would have cost me R150 cash -
Why must I suffer and go thru all this because of the incompetence of the people working for Cell C and now I am using my prepaid number that I have had for over 10 years and putting data in to do work is costing me a fortune - not to mention my school going brother who needs internet for assignments etc -
Incident date: 15 September 2022
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