Builders Warehouse
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Builders Warehouse - Paid for an order but yet to receive it

No resolution
Khaya Madlala
Khaya Madlala filed the complaint
2 May 2022
Good Day

Kindly assist.

After trying to track and trace my Order number: 2014893089. The builders warehouse riverhorse store contacted me only to inform me that my delivery was delivered however, upon request of the proof of delivery, the delivery was signed and collected by a person unknown to myself.

The store and consultants that I spoke to seemingly left it up to me to investigate who signed and took the order. BY the name 2of NONHLANHLA MZIZI.

No prior arrangement nor communication was made regarding the delivery arrangement therefore no authorization or permission was given by myself that someone should sign on my behalf.

Besides that, on the said date I was available the whole day therefore nothing couls have prevented the delivery being correctly delivered to me.

Does this mean that I have lost the order due to the improper procedure followed by the delivery team?
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 2 May 2022
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.
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