To whom it may concern
I purchased a gas heater on the 30 May 2023 and I am writing this email on the 12 June 2023, from your builders express in greenstone
When I got home the night of the 30 May which is 10 minutes from the shop I realised the heater switch was faulty and it wouldn’t switch on and it wouldn’t hold so the fire would catch. I returned to the store with the heater back in the box and advised them of this problem the next business day and the staff were quick to insist it must be the gas cylinder or a user problem assuming that because I am a woman I couldn’t operate the heater. One of the workers assisted by turning the switch and it worked in the shop and he advised me that I need to shake my cylinder it was not a switch problem. I got home and my partner managed to also finally turn it on after struggling to get the switch to hold. To get the switch to hold I had to try several times before it would work proving that it was faulty to begin with we had to use force and to turn the knob.
The heater only worked for 12 days bearing in my it wasn’t used daily as we have a oil heater. On the 12 June I tried to turn it on the switch would not even turn, turns out it was broken then I took the heater back but once again I was dismissed and told the heater didn’t have a problem prior and it now needs to be booked in and I must now spend a week without a heater. While they try fix it and asking me for a receipt when I had been there so many times the staff even recognised me in the 12 days since I first bought the heater.
With that being said I don’t want to be forced to take this matter further but I would like prompt assistance regarding the obviously faulty heater I was sold or my money back. I will not wait a week or any day longer for the outcome on what is wrong with the heater when I returned it back within 24hrs of the purchase and I was dismissed because I am a single woman who apparently cannot operate a gas heater.
If this matter is not resolved URGENTLY you will not hear the end of this and it won’t be an issue of just R1300.00 it will be a legal matter.
I don’t see why I need to suffer the obvious negligence and lack of customer service of your staff and I must keep driving up and down for a heater that is not even 30 days old
I hope to get this matter resolved urgently
Incident date: 12 June 2023
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