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Bestmed - Failure to respond to query

No resolution
John Webster Engelbrecht
John Engelbrecht filed the complaint
22 September 2021
a Query was logged regarding a approval for an "Obera gastric balloon" procedure approval & no reply has been receive from the medical aid as of yet

Furthermore I'm resigned from my company & I'm currently serving my notice period, seeing that I'm cancelling my medical aid & the funds currently situated in my savings account, is due to be refunded to me within a prescirbed time period a specified by the med aid of 5 months

The incorrect amount has been specified in an attached e-mail statement provided by the consultant. After several feedback requests no respons has been received from Bestmed sofar
This complaint has a private attachment.
Incident date: 22 September 2021
This complaint has been considered as not resolved.

Hi John, I'm very sorry to hear about your experience with us. Can you please send this query and your Bestmed membership number to [email protected] and we'll quickly get one of our senior consultants to help you with this? Regards, Jay.